“The history of Scotland is full of references to the doings
at Glencardine, the fine home of the great Lord Glencardine”. Now in disrepair, those “gaunt ruins of the
old castle” were the muse for Baroness Nairne for these lines of prose.
Oh Castell Gloom! thy
strength is gone,
The green grass
o'er thee growin';
On Hill of Care thou
art alone,
The Sorrow round
thee flowin'.
Oh Castell Gloom! on
thy fair wa's
Nae banners now
are streamin';
The howlit flits
amang thy ha's,
And wild birds
there are screamin'.
Oh, mourn the
woe! oh, mourn the crime
Frae civil war
that flows!
Oh, mourn,
Argyll, thy fallen line,
And mourn the
great Montrose!
The lofty Ochils bright
did glow,
Though sleepin'
was the sun;
But mornin's light
did sadly show
What ragin' flames
had done!
Oh, mirk, mirk was
the misty cloud
That hung o'er thy
wild wood!
Thou wert like
beauty in a shroud,
And all was
Baroness Nairne
The House of Whispers, William Le Queux