Recently I came across this bag of various bits, is it random bag of bits or the start of some project? There are more than enough clues. Let us see: there are four equal lengths strip wood. I have used strip wood for bracing for paper and wood structures and I have used strip wood for foundations; if it is the later than this structure is small one. There are the four equally sized pieces of stone embossed paper. Although they seem a bit too large for this purpose could it be for a stone foundation?
Then there are the other pieces of embossed paper, one being a larger specimen. There are several pieces of primed strip wood and small wood slab. A small piece of cardboard, a strip or styrene, two sections of railing, two matching windows, a door, some shutters, a small square of styrene, a small section of plastic cooregated roofing, a windmill kit and what really confuses the hell out of me is the half painted miniature that kind of reminds me of my Uncle Jerry. How he got into mix is the real mystery.
Although I am open for to some of your ideas, the moral of this story is to always add a note to the bag and don’t let leave Uncle Jerry alone at the workbench for any length of time.