“The single-story terminal freight-shed of the Pennsylvania Railroad on York Street Pier, Jersey City N. J. shown in fig.387 is a frame structure , 77 ft, 6 in. wide by 417 ft. long, the pier being 80 ft. wide. The shed is sheathed on the outside with galvanized corrugated iron, and roofed with tin. There is one track that runs into the building on one side of the pier. The doors along the sides of the house are swinging-doors, hinged at the top and swinging upwards when opened.”
I found this brief description in Train Shed Cyclopedia # 19. One of the four Cyclopedias that are part of my collection. The Train Shed Cyclopedias were a series of reprints from various editions of The Locomotive Cyclopedia, The Car Builder's Cyclopedia, and other similar journals published as reference materials for railroad mechanics, and shop foremen.
The Train Shed Cyclopedias were published by Newton K. Gregg. There were 81 serialized. volumes published. The Train Shed Cyclopedias featured facsimile reprints, mostly from sections of the original Cyclopedias that either are part of publisher’s collection or on-loan from other collections.
Many years ago, when I first caught the bug. I was hungry for anything that had to do with model railroading, trains (mostly steam engines) and then later on narrow gauge equipment and railroads. My collection went way past model trains and books. At one time I was receiving several magazines, historical society newsletters and certain niche publications pertaining to certain styles of equipment and railways. I really do need to thin this collection out.
Index to Thread Shed Cyclopedias Vols. 1-81