Reading & Northern Railroad Steam Engine
The Reading & Northern Railroad is local short-line railway that runs a specials over the holiday. This is one of the two steam engines they own. It made three trips back and forth from up north.
This blog is mainly a place where I can record my current interests. It is also a place where I can showcase my current projects, obtain inspiration, keep track of suppliers, and the many other little things that make-up who I am and what I am presently about.
“Unawares, the two dogs had wandered too near to the shadows edge of the dark side, where all sorts of half-forgotten things linger, and paths and memories get confused.”
Roverandom, J. R. R. Tolkien
“… On the white side of the moon, the insects are very large and fierce, and often so pale and so transparent and so silent that you hardly hear or see them coming. The moonbeams only shine and flutter, and Roveramdom was not frightened of them, the big white dragon-moths with fiery eyes were much more alarming; and there were sword-flies and glass beetles with jaws like steel-traps and pale unicornets with stingers like spears, and fifty-seven varieties of spiders ready to eat anything they could catch…"
Roverandom, J.R.R. Tolkien
I just received my order from eBay; a bag of random metal HO scale detail parts. I have no idea if they were hand-casted, but they do have the look as being retrograde detail parts.
There are to my count, thirteen figures, both male and female, fourteen platform seats, a few architectural pieces, a shovel, barrel, cast-iron stove, ETC. There are a few parts that have perked my curiosity. They seem to be parts for a small flatcar of some sort.