This my third or fourth order from Hoard O' Bits. I am amazed as to what can be found here. Now that I am featuring the Game Mini’s series of posts I am looking for other sources of game minis, especially those that are economical.
There a few of these miniatures that will stay unpainted while a couple will end up on the work bench this month.
D&D Castle Ravenloft Bits - Undead ZombieD&D Legend Of Drizzt Bits - Feral Troll
D&D Legend Of Drizzt Bits - Yochlol Handmaiden Of Lloth
D&D Wrath Of Ashardalon Bits - Orc Smasher
D&D Wrath Of Ashardalon Bits - Grell
Cave Troll - Reaper Dark Heaven Bones
Ghost - Reaper Dark Heaven Bones
Rivet Wars Eastern Front Bits - Blight Force Baron Gaston Tankken
Hobbit Bin Bits Escape From Goblin Town - Grinnah
Warhammer Dreadfleet Bin Bits - Graveyard - Bone Hydra
Kings Of War Undead Bits Revenant Troops - Skeletal Dog
Hordes Bits Trollbloods Dire Troll Blitzer - Bomber Torch Runt
Descent Journeys In The Dark Bits - Barghest Tan
Descent Journeys In The Dark Bits - Flesh Moulder Tan
Descent Journeys In The Dark Bits - Zombie Tan
Nice haul of plunder!