Friday, August 23, 2024

Judah Low's Time Golem

"New Crobuzon, and crude, vigorous, ineluctable, the precision of that parcelled-up time reshaped time, was an argument in time.

    reshaped the time itself, and made it

          a golem

                 a time golem

which stood into its life, a golem of sound and time, stood and did what it was instructed to do, its instruction became it, its instruction, its exsistance, its command just to be, and so it was. This animate figure carved out of time itself, the rough hew-markes of its making the unshaped seconds and crushed moments at its edges, the split instances where its timelimbs joined its timebody. It was the shape of a figure in dimensions insensibe even to its maker, unseen by any there."

Iron Council, China Mieville

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