Sunday, August 4, 2024

Tar Paper Shed is Complete

The basic dimensions for the shed are: 12 x 9 x 15' tall. The structure's subwalls were built from cardstock and I used some bassword strips on the interior to keep the structure from warping and to strengthen the overall build. I usally use white glue, but for this one I used sticky glue as an adhisive.

Side view

I used black construction paper to represent tarpaper, but to a scale 3 or 4 foot. THe battens are from my scale lumber stock. I believe I used 1 x 2 for these. The door was built from cardstock and the trim from my scale lumber stock.

The roof consists of a card stock subroofing and corrugated cardboard which still needs to painted and weathered

Back view. I didn't make the structure too dilapidated in fact, besides a broken and missing battens it doesn't look like it is in disrepair. Who knows what the structure will like the next time we visit?

Previously: Roofing Materials

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