Friday, April 2, 2021

Plans for a Spring House

You might remmber my post from the 15th of March "A Random Set of Bits." I cannot say that I am any closer in finding out why this bag of bits was started. However, I have been wanting to build a small spring house for my Bath River Railway, a stucture to complete a scene, so I grabbed a small zip-lock bag and started stuffing it with what I thought I might need.

I chose just a fraction of the available materials from the bag. Four pieces of strip wood for bracing, the slab of wood for my heavy boarded door, the larger piece of embossed stone paper, the larger and wider piece of primed stripwood, and the retangler piece of styrene roofing. To that I added a piece of card for my subwalls, a wooded match stick for the lintel and two plastic hinges for the door. I am also planing on creating some form of handle and maybe even a latch for the door.

I made a in-scale drawing of the supposed strucuture and took a picture of the drawing, but I didn't like how the the picture turned out, so I will attmept to describe the demensions and featrues of the structure.

  • The structue will measure eight feet sqaure and stand ten feet high at its peak and is constructed of stone
  • The roof is of some sort of corregated material(it looks like iron)
  • The door is constructed from 4 x 12 inch boards
  • A large stone lintel will be placed above the door

The structue will be planted in a small indention in the ground and will take a few steps to step down into. The steps will be natural stones, those that are close at hand and fit for the purpose.

Hopefully the structure will have been completed by the time of this post is made.

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