Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Library of Hurtfew Abby

“The library of Hurtfew Abby was dearer to its possessor than all of his riches. Norrell constructed a beautiful jewel box to house his hearts treasure. The bookcases which lined the walls on the room were built of English woods and resembled Gothic arches laden with carvings. There were carvings of leaves (dried and twisted leaves, as if the season artist had intended to represent autumn,) carvings of intertwined roots and ivy-all wonderfully done. But the wonder was nothing to the wonder of the books.

The student of magic learns that there are books about magic and books of magic. Both are available, the former for two or three guineas from any reputable book seller. The later are extremely rare and can be had for above the price of rubies. At Hurtfew all the walls were lined with bookcases and all the shelves were filled with books; books of magic.”

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell

This is my second reading of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. Although there are a couple subjects I am interested in, these subjects that I somehow over looked or gave them a very lite coverage, I am sure to find other nuggets along the way.

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