Monday, July 1, 2024

Remades are Always Varied

"The Remades are always varied. Their bodies made impossible. On the roadbed there is a man whose front pulsates with scrany arms, each from a corpse or an ambulation. Chained to him a taller man, his face stotic. A fox stitched embedded in his chest from where it snarls and bites at him, keeping the man in permanent terror.

Here a crawling man spiral-shelled in iron and venting smoke. Here a woman working. There are plenty of woman Remades working amoung the others. A woman became a guttered pillar, with her organic parts like a after thoughts. A man, or is it a woman? Whose flesh moves with the tides, with eructations like an octopus. People with their face relocated, bodies made of iron and rubber cables, and steam-engine arms, and animal arms, and arms that are body length pistons that reach out below their waists."

Iron Council, China Miéville

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