Monday, October 21, 2024

The Santaroga Barrier


"Dasein pictured the Santaroga Valley as a swarming place behind a facade like pyramid: solid, faceless, enduring. In there, behind the facade, Santaroga did something to its people...

He sensed a one-pointedness here such that every Santarogan became an extension of every other Santarogan. They were like rays spreading out from a pinhole in a black curtain.

What lay behind the balck curtain?"

The Santaroga Barrier, Frank Herbert, Copyright 1968, Berkley Medallion Books

"No one bought cigarettes in Santaroga. No cheese, wine, beer, or produce from outside the valley could be sold there. The list went on and on and grew stranger and stranger. Maybe Santaroga was the last outpost of American individualism. Maybe they were just a bunch of religious kooks..."