History of Playing Cards
The History of Playing Cards site offers insight into the history of playing cards. This interesting site offers information on the history, popular card games by country, Joker designs, producers, collecting, and the different types of decks that are available.
Alphabetical Index of Card Games
Like the name implies, this site offers an alphabetical list of popular card games. The site also offers the following special card games:
- Commercial games (games requiring a special pack of cards produced by a single manufacturer)
- Solitaire / Patience games (games for one player)
- Invented games (newly created games and variations contributed by readers)
Although there are other brands of cards, one of the more popular brands of playing cards are Bicycle cards. The site offers information about Bicycle’s brands of cards and there is an online app that will help you choose an appropriate card game for the company you have and tells you how the game is played.