Gullum Talking to His Reflection in the Pool of Water.
Although Gullum got his name after his habit of making "a horrible swallowing noise in his throat", he started out as Sméagol, a hobbit of the tribe of the Stoors, who lived near the Gladden Fields. At the time of his death Gollum was about 589 years old. Sméagol know longer resembled a Hobbit after he had been “deformed and twisted in both body and mind by the corruption of the Ring.”
The influence of Ring affected just about all who came in contact with it. Sméagol had first came in contact with the ring while out fishing with a mate. Sméagol had been dragged out of the boat in which had been fishing by a great fish, a large fish for a Hobbit anyway. Sméagol went for a bit of a swim while still holding on to the pole as the fish swam along.
The fish would eventually get away, but while in Sméagol's underwater travels he encountered the Ring. Upon swimming back to shore his fishing buddy noticed the Ring and wanted it for himself, the two got into an altercation and Sméagol slew his friend. The evil in the ring having influenced Sméagol to murder and Sméagol goes into self-exile.

Gullum’s Reflection Talking and Reasoning with Gollum. However demented it might seem, Gullum and his reflection were conversing with one another. Gullum’s reflection actually seemed to be the more lucid of the two.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.
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