Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dr. Petrie's View of Things

Dr. Petrie reviews his findings of the case so far.

"My view of the case to date stands thus:

"(1) Eltham, having rashly decided to return to the interior of China, is warned by an official whose friendship he has won in some way to stay in England.

"(2) I know this official for one of the Yellow group represented in England by Dr. Fu-Manchu.

"(3) Several attempts, of which we know but little, to get at Eltham are frustrated, presumably by his curious 'defenses.' An attempt in a train fails owing to Miss Eltham's distaste for refreshment-room coffee. An attempt here fails owing to her insomnia.

"(4) During Eltham's absence from Redmoat certain preparations are made for his return. These lead to:

"(a) The death of Denby's collie;

"(b) The things heard and seen by Miss Eltham;

"(c) The things heard and seen by us all last night.'

"The nature of the fluid which could produce such mental symptoms was a mystery; a mystery which defied Western science: one of the many strange secrets of Dr. Fu-Manchu."

Chapter 9, The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu, Sax Rohmer

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