Monday, December 23, 2024

The Dr. Fu-Manchu

"The man seated there wore alose yellow robe. His elbows rested on the desk, and his fingers-long yellow fingers - were pressed together; hw might have reminded an observer of a praying mantis. He had the hight brow of a philosopher and features suggesting great intellectual powers."

Emperor Fu Manchu Sax Rohmer, 1959. Titan Books 2015

Other Fu-Manchu Books Published by Titan Books

The Mystery of Fu-Manchu
The Return of Fu-Manchu
The Hand of Fu-Manchu
Daughter of Fu-Manchu
The Mask of Fu-Manchu
The Bride of Fu-Manchu
The President of Fu-Manchu
The Drums of Fu-Manchu
The Shaddow of Fu-Manchu
Renter Fu-Manchu
The Wrath of Fu-Manchu and Other Stories

Friday, December 20, 2024

Isaac Asimov Predicts the Future

A 57 minutes talk on the future as Isaac Asimov sees it. Isaac Asimov a science fiction and nonfiction writer. His fiction with examples like I Robot and the Foundation series were the types of sceince fiction I cut my teath.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Another Scratch Built Detail

Creations and materials. It is often from the small bits that my inspirations come from.

Over the years I have created many scratch built or kit bashed detail parts as needed or just on a whim.

A roof air conditioner in 1/87 scale. I few bits of plastic, metal, and left-over kit parts.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Scratch built Cleat in 1/35

I started out making a cleat for the platform for my swamp shack, but since it is way out of scale I will use with a 1/35 scale rowboat I recently purchased. I have since done some research and I have found other styles that would have been easier to construct and will look a whole lot better than this attempt.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Fu-Manchu Revisited

"The high forehead, the chiseled, aggressive nose, the thin lips, were those of an aristocrat, a thinker, and a devil."

Most of what I have read of Sax Rohmer's Dr. Fu-Manchu series have been eubs. Project Guntenberg feature a few of Rohmer's Dr. Fu-Manchu novels. In addition, to the Dr. Fu-Manchu series they offer a few additional titles. All that I have read have been great and suspenseful reads.

Here is a list from Wikipedia of Rohmers Fu-Manchu novels

Fu-Manchu Novels by Sax Rohmer

  • The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu (1913). A number of 1912 stories were combined into this novel.
  • The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu (1916).
  • The Hand of Fu Manchu (1917).
  • Daughter of Fu Manchu (1931).
  • The Mask of Fu Manchu (1932).
  • The Bride of Fu Manchu (1933).
  • The Trail of Fu Manchu (1934).
  • President Fu Manchu (1936).
  • The Drums of Fu Manchu (1939).
  • The Island of Fu Manchu (1940).
  • The Shadow of Fu Manchu (1948).
  • The Shadow of Fu Manchu (1948).
  • The Shadow of Fu Manchu (1948).
  • Re-Enter:Fu Manchu (1957).
  • Emperor Fu Manchu (1959).
  • The Wrath of Fu Manchu (1973). Actually a combination of the previously published stories:

    • The Wrath of Fu Manchu (1952)
    • The Eyes of Fu Manchu (1957)
    • The Word of Fu Manchu (1958)
    • The Mind of Fu Manchu (1959)

More References to Fu-Manchu

Chronology of Dr. Fu Manchu and Sir Denis Nayland Smith

More of his excellency Dr. Fu-Manchu,

Public Domain Comics Wiki(Fu-Manchu )

"He spoke every civilized language with near perfection, and knows countless dialects as well. He has the brains of any three men of genius."

Quotes are from Emperor Fu Manchu (1959).

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Scratch Building a Watermill in 1/35 Scale

I suppose one scale is just as good as another when scratch building. At 8.709mm equaling one foot, it will give you ample opportunity for details.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Emperor Fu-Manchu

It has been awhile since my last encounter with his excellency Dr. Fu-Manchu.

Previously ->

"During the Cold War of the 1950s former allies Russia and China turned Communist. Their threat casting a shadow over the free world. Yet another enemy lurked in the shadows - the deadly secret assassin's of the Si Fan led by Dr. Fu-Manchu."

"In remote northern China, the dead walk again. An American agent, Tony MacKay finds himself face to face with these 'cold-men', zombies who exist to do the bidding of Fu-Manchu, the devil Doctor. "

Emperor Fu-Manchu, Sax Rohmer, © 1959

Friday, December 6, 2024

Two Odd and Unusual 1/24 Scale Models

1/24 Scale Resin Boatman

This is an odd rsin sculpt and is very economical. I don't know whether I will purchase one of these models.

1/24 Scale Resin Motorcycle Girl

Interesting piece, economical, and it shouldn't be to difficult to finish.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Fu Manchu, Criminal Mastermind

"A brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan. Eyes of true cat-green. I was looking at one of the most facinating faces I had ever seen."

Cover illustration from the British first edition hardcover of Emperor Fu-Manchu, published in 1959 by Herbert Jenkins.

Fu-Manchu, Sax Rohmer, Titan Books

Fu Manchu a criminal master mind

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Green Brain

Cover art by Gerald McConnell

"In an overpopulated world seeking living room in the jungles, the International Ecological Organization was systematically exterminating the voracious insects which made these areas uninhabitable. Using deadly foamal bombs and newly developed vibration weapons, men like Joao Martinho and his co-workers fought to clear the green hell on the Mato Grosso.

But somehow those areas which had been completely cleared were becoming reinfested. Tales were coming out from the jungles... of mutated insects that have grown to incredible sizes and able to produce deadly toxins... of insects who seem to be men, but whose eyes gleamed with chitinous sheen of insects."

The Green Brain, Frank Herbert, Ace Books © 1966

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Use the Right Tool for the Job

I have added these three files to my workbench. They are small, but not tiny. It all depends on the need.

These are my tried and true needle files. I purchased these some time ago. There were six, I seem to have misplaced my round file. Larger file on the bottom of the photo is either a six or eight inch flat file that I use to square my pieces up.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

The 1/100 Scale Rescue Boat Has Arrived

The instructions aren't has streight forward as I would liked and it took me a few minutes studying the instructions, studying the parts sprues, and even a glance or two at the image of the completed model.

This is a tiny model and care must be taken when removing parts from the sprue and during assemble. However, it will make for a very smart looking miniature model.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Swamp Shack Nears Completion

The swamp shack sits atop of its new deck. The deck I had originaly created was much too small for the hut. The shack needs some pilings and a couple of columns under the overhang of the porch. It has taken me a long time to complete this structure.

Monday, November 25, 2024

My 1/35 Scale Rowboat has Arrived

Some assembly is required. There are two oars, a plank for a seat, and a buffer that will need to be put in place. The resin piece will need a little clean-up with a file and then painted and weathered.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Laser cut 1/100 Scale Lifeboat Kit

It looks like it might be a fun kit to build. I recently found a couple additional laser cut wooden kits that deserve another look.

This will be my second item listed under the new label of boat.

Friday, November 22, 2024

1/35 Resin Rowboat

Image from retailer site.

Although I don't have any imediate plans for this piece, it did catch my eye and I decided to purchase the piece. It will be added to my "small" projects, those that can be completd within a few hours. It also requires the new label of "boat".

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Model Train Making Process

"A 73-year-old Japanese artisan crafting model trains for decades" I am rather envious of this makers shop. It contains a lot of specialized tools and apparatus. Tools of the trade.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A Few More Pictures of that Handsome Devil K-2S0

“Congratulations, you are being rescued.”

Hay there tall, dark and handsome. Leave it to the Star Wars franchise to come up with a variety of droids. More information can found here about K-2S0 here.

"I am a reprogrammed Imperial droid.

" ―K-2SO

"K-2SO (Kay-Too-Ess-Oh or Kay-Tuesso), abbreviated K-2 (Kay-Tu or Kaytoo) or Kay."

"Did you know that wasn't me?"

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Star Wars K-2SO

Although not a perfect likeness, K-2SO 1 is similar to Asimov's robot depicted in the book art of this volumne.

Screenshot from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

1The Star Wars K-2SO is a reprogrammed Imperial droid.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Work Continues...

Work is continuing on my first swamp shack. I was just working on the shacks platform today. The one that I previously made wasn't large enough to fit the near completed structure so I started a new one. This one with the new set of dimensions. It took me three tries to get the right look for a roof. At least the first and second attempts can be cut up and used as roof material for another structure.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Asimov's The Naked Sun

The book art on the volume is one of my favorites and I would have loved to give credit to its author, but as of today I haven't been able to come-up with a reference for one. I will keep on trying.

"Elijah Baley, Earths most capable detective, took crime in his stride. But he had lived all his life in the underground cities, and the open, blazing sun of the planet Solario sent cold chills down his spine.

The Naked Sun is a rare and perfect blend of science fiction and detective story, with crime that could only take place in the future..."

The Naked Sun, Isaac Asimov, first copyywrite by I. Asimov in 1957, this Lancer Book (C) in 1964.

Audio book

Friday, November 8, 2024

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Klondike Level 100

Okay, enough with the klondike emblems already. I just thought you might be curious to see what it looked like.

I also got a new card back. Which I thought was rather cute.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Is it Plumb

THe sqaure measures 100 long and approximaetly 40mm wide and is cast from an aluminum alloy, giving the sqaure some substance. I can set my walls assemblies next to the sqaure and allow them cure and plumb.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Another List - The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time

The 75 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time

Here is another list. It is a long one and I am a little surprised on the titles and authors that were not listed. I have read a few of these titles and have least heard and have read from many of the listed authors.

You should know that I like to read science fiction, so I have another selection to choose from.

“So many books, so little time.”
― Frank Zappa

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Swamp Shack #1, an Update

I had hoped to had completed this project by the end of this month (Oct.), but it seems I will not. Although the shack nears completion it still needs soome attention.

However, it is time to layout the roof sections. The roof will over-hang the front entrance by up to five feet. Perhaps I didn't need to do so, but I added bits of textured cardstock sheet to two inside walls, just in case the interior is viewable from its location on the layout.

<- Previously

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Fascinated with Monoliths

I had wanted to add another screenshot of a monolith to this post. However, In this case a manmade fountain carved from stone will serve as an introduction to this new label and series.

Screenshot from Conan the Barbarian/

10 of the Largest Monoliths in the World

Sunday, October 27, 2024

First Swamp Shack Nears Completion

Although this structure still requires a few tweeks I have went on to the second phase, the roof. The roof will over-hang the front, creating a porch like area.

View of left-side. This structure might have been built from one type of material, but over the years the owners used whatever materials that were at hand: plywood, corrugated and steel panels, wood boards, even some tarpaper sheet.


And the right hand side


Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Who - Won't Get Fooled Again --- 1979

A great performance by the Who. Back in the day, this was one of my favorites from the Who. We are all getting old.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Bits of Parchment and Map

Bits of parchment and map.

Map depicting ancient territories during the Hyborian Age.

Steal must be tempered with fire and ice.

Screenshots from Conan the Barbarian: Born on the Battlefield

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Santaroga Barrier


"Dasein pictured the Santaroga Valley as a swarming place behind a facade like pyramid: solid, faceless, enduring. In there, behind the facade, Santaroga did something to its people...

He sensed a one-pointedness here such that every Santarogan became an extension of every other Santarogan. They were like rays spreading out from a pinhole in a black curtain.

What lay behind the balck curtain?"

The Santaroga Barrier, Frank Herbert, Copyright 1968, Berkley Medallion Books

"No one bought cigarettes in Santaroga. No cheese, wine, beer, or produce from outside the valley could be sold there. The list went on and on and grew stranger and stranger. Maybe Santaroga was the last outpost of American individualism. Maybe they were just a bunch of religious kooks..."

Sunday, October 20, 2024

A Few Random Screenshots from "A Series of Unfortunate Events"

I wouldn't get too close to this. I am sure he already has an eye on you. Do not try to lisk this one!

A picturesque picture of trolly going somewhere.

A vehicles left on the train tracks. What was the driver thinking? (Hint: $$$$)

Screenshots from Lemony Shicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

I added a new label here: 'frogs and toads'. I hope to populate this with worth while specimans.

Friday, October 18, 2024

A New Project Series

I have been very slow getting any type of project started, this month, and then to continue working with it. However, I recently started working on a new series named swamp shacks.

Shamp Shack 1 Under Construction/ Left and Right Sections

At one time this shack might have been constructed of one type of material, but over time parts of the shack were replaced with whatever was avialable adding to its shoddy appearence.

I used wood strips to create a interior framework so that I could model gaps between the mostly plywood sheets. This series of strucures is being built for an addtion to my narrow gauge Bath River railway.

Forward ->

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

A Series Of Unfortunate Events Explained

After watching Lemony Shicket's "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" I had a lot of questions. This source helped to answer a few of my questions as it will for you.

A link to "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" was added on 10.18.24 @ 10:26 PM.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dollar Tree Finds

Recently I came upon these action figures at the Dollar Tree. They stand around 4.5 inches and are well detailed.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Angle-space Transmissions

‘By angle-space transmission, any place in the universe is just around the corner from any other place.’

Haigh Company Employee Handbook

By the Book, The Worlds of Frank Herbert, 1971

Monday, October 7, 2024

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Friday, October 4, 2024

Problems Should be Approached in Two Stages

“Each problem should be approached in two stages:

1. Locate those areas which contribute most to the malfunction
2. Take remedial action designed to reduce hazards which have been positively identified”

Haigh Company Employee Handbook
By the Book, The Worlds of Frank Herbert, 1971

Thursday, October 3, 2024

And the Handbook Says

“There is no point in planning sophisticated research on a specific factor’s role unless that factor’s is known to be present.”

Haigh Company Employee Handbook

By the Book, The Worlds of Frank Herbert, 1971

Friday, September 27, 2024

What Does the Haigh Company Handbook Say?

“The good troubleshooter is cost conscious, and aware that down time and equipment replacement are factors of serious concern to the Haigh Company.”

Haigh Company Employee Handbook

By the Book, The Worlds of Frank Herbert, 1971

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ghost Busters Frozen Empire

Interesting poem.

Antics of the Mini Stay Puft Marshmallow Men having just hijacked a tractor and trailer.

Great addition to the Ghost Busters franchise.