Thursday, November 19, 2015


Yog-Sothoth was a creature conjured up in Lovecrafts’ novel the Dunwich Horror by the novels main antagonist.

“The creature was bigger than a barn and made up of what looked like squirming' ropes and was sort of shaped like a hen's egg,” bigger'n than anything, with dozens o' legs like hogs-heads that haff shut up when they step... nothin' solid abaout it - all like jelly, an' made o' sep'rit wrigglin' ropes pushed clost together... great bulgin' eyes all over it... ten or twenty mouths or trunks a-sticking' out all along the sides, big as stove-pipes an all a-tossin' an openin' an' shuttin'... all grey, with kinder blue or purple rings... In its path the creature left a sticky tar like substance that had a putrid smell to it. Horrifying!

Without warning came those deep, cracked, raucous vocal sounds which will never leave the memory of the stricken group who heard them. Not from any human throat were they born, for the organs of man can yield no such acoustic perversions. Rather would one have said they came from the pit itself, had not their source been so unmistakably the altar-stone on the peak? It is almost erroneous to call them sounds at all, since so much of their ghastly; infra-bass timbre spoke to dim seats of consciousness and terror far subtler than the ear; yet one must do so, since their form was indisputably though vaguely that of half-articulate words.”

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