These weapons were smuggled into the DC area inside a toy capsule. It is a good thing that these weapons were confiscated before today’s Inauguration. To get an idea as to the size of these automatic weapons, the object at the bottom right is a hat and is about the size of an American quarter dollar.
These micro-sized weapons were acquired from a capsule toy machine; the same machine were I obtained the robot; yesterday’s post. I believe these capsule guns are formed from polystyrene.
With the exception of the hat none of these weapons are compatible with the robot model, so I am guessing that there are other models in the machine that are.
I still want to try to identify these weapons and I believe it might be fun to add some paint to these miniatures and being out some of their details.
I think they go with the robot...the hand-hold is all very 'Lego'! Quality gum-ball machines in your neck of the woods Jan!