Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Magicians Wife (December 1809-January 1810)

“The bells sounded very sad and far-away and it brought before Arabella imagination all sorts of melancholy scenes:

…bleak, wind-swept fens and moors; empty fields with broken walls and gates hanging of their hinges; a black ruined church; an open grave; a suicide buried at a lonely crossroads; a fire of bones blazing in the twilit snow; a gallows with a man swinging from its arm; another man crucified upon a wheel; an ancient spear plunged into the mud with a strange talisman, like a little leather finger, hanging from it; a scarecrow whose black rags blew about so violently in the wind that he seemed about to leap into the grey air and fly towards you on vast black wings…"

The Magicians Wife, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel, Susanne Clarke

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