This blog is mainly a place where I can record my current interests. It is also a place where I can showcase my current projects, obtain inspiration, keep track of suppliers, and the many other little things that make-up who I am and what I am presently about.
Friday, March 27, 2015
The Monsters mentioned in The Boats of the Glen-Carrig
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Round House Victoria Square Themed 3 in 1 Kits
Kit #1511 Restaurant and Station
Kit #1512 Cable Car and Power House
Kit #1513 Cable Car Barn and Repair Shop
Kit #1513 includes polystyrene roof, wall, and window and door castings. This kit as the others also included detailed instructions on how to best make use of the supplied parts.Wednesday, March 25, 2015
The Battle of Manila Bay Battle Report

The battle of Manila Bay was a battle fought between Spanish and American naval forces during the Spanish and American War. The goal of the American fleet was to destroy the Spanish pacific Fleet so that it could pose no threat to the US west coast. The game is played for fifteen rounds. The goal of the Spanish fleet is too survive the fifteen rounds without being totally destroyed.
It seems that the defensive and offence values of the American forces are superior to those of the Spanish fleet. After our fifth round, the Spanish fleet have been severally damaged the player controlling of the Spanish fleet capitulated.
Although I found the game interesting, the small counters and the stacking of damage counters made the game a bit bothersome to play.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Queued Print and Play Games
Monday, March 23, 2015
10 Planned Scratch Built HO Gauge Model Structures
Polystyrene sheet, plastic windows, polystyrene “metal” roofing.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Scratch Building and Kit-bash Resource Bins

Over the years I have accumulated a hoard of left-over bits of polystyrene and wood sheet and strips; metal tubing and wire, and left over bits from plastic and metal kits. These bits all ended up in one large box, but has my collection grew, it became more difficult to pick something useful out of this big confused mess. So I have separated my bits into separate containers and have made the possibility of finding a strip, sheet, or leftover piece from a plastic kit easier. Someday, when I get around to building a new workbench I would like a small draw for each material.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Two Solo Games Resources
I find solo games quite intriguing and have featured a few of these games in my posts. I would prefer playing a game with others, but that isn’t always possible, so I am always on the look-out for fun games that can be played solo. Recently I found these two resources that I would like to share with those like-minded individuals who by preference or out of necessity play solo games.
1 Player Guild
The 1 Player Guild is actually a directory of directories of solo games. You will find many recommendations for solo played games on this page.
My Solo Experience - The First Year of Games
My Solo Experience - The First Year of Games is an interesting succession of twenty-five games the author played over the course of a year. Many of the games were played more than once. The author reviews the game and mentions whether he thought the game was a fun solo play
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Old Round House 3 in 1 Kits

These old Round House 3 in 1 kits were a great resource to the HO model railroader. When these kits were available I purchased several of these kits. The kits included parts from several of Round House kits, extra parts, and an instruction sheet on how to build the basic kit. Also within the notes were ideas on how to take the supplied parts and kit-bash them into something out of the ordinary. Ordinarily, scratch building supplies, like styrene or wood sheet were required. In addition, the kit required the purchase of parts from other manufacturers.
1500 Channel Frame Log/Lumber Car Set
1501 Wood Chip Car Kit Set
1502 Shorty Flat Car Project Kit
1503 Maintenance of Way Workers Kit
1504 Yard Office/ Wayside Station
1505 Section Gang House/Gandy Dancers' Quarters
1506 Telegraph Office/Service Facility
1507 Maintenance of Way Fire Fighting Train
1508 Ore Jimmy Car Set
1509 "Battle Mountain" Log & Mine Timber Car Set
1510 "Battle Mountain" Climax mine locomotive dummy kit
1511 Restaurant/Passenger Station
1512 Cable Car Power House & Passenger Car Kit
1513 Cable Car Shop & Car Barn
1514 "Battle Mountain" Old Time Saloon and Office kit
1515 Rotary Snow Plow & Tender Project kit
1516 Jordan Spreader/Snow Crab & Tool Car
1517 Snow Dozer, Flanger & Snow Plow kit
1518 "Battle Mountain" Galloping Goose dummy
1519 Snow Plow dummy
1521 Mom's Family Diner
1524 Storage Shed
1550 "Moose Jaws" 0-8-0T Logging Engine kit dummy
It is a shame that when I started to collect these kits they were already out of production and many of the kits could no longer not be found.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
The Gallery of Monster Toys
Blade Runner Miniatures Studio
The Massive Voodoo site featured these images of the Blade Runner miniatures studio, the place where the models for the movie Blade Runner were created.
The film depicts a dystopian Los Angeles in November 2019, in which a group of genetically engineered replicants, which are visually indistinguishable from adult humans, having become rebellious are to be terminated by the authorities... Awesome stuff!
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Ratio #524 HO Gauge Weighbridge and Hut
Monday, March 16, 2015
Ratio HO Scale Grounded Van Body
Friday, March 13, 2015
Fences from Leftovers
Stone Walls
Corrugated Fence
Wood Fences
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Available Fence Kits in HO Gauge
There are loads of fence kits in HO gauge. This list is not meant to be a comprehensive list; there are other fence kits available in the scale. I only listed the fence kits I found the most interesting.
In my upcoming post I will provide some ideas on how to create your own fence sections out of various materials.
Available Fence Kits | |
Name of Kit | Manufacture |
Rustic Fence & Gate Kit | Atlas |
Hairpin Style Fence | Atlas |
Picket Fence & Gate Kit | Atlas |
Picket Fence | Bachmann |
Insta-Fence | Bar Mills |
Chain Link Fence | BLMA |
Board Fence | B.T.S. |
Chain Link Fence | Busch Gmbh |
Wrought Iron w/Brick Posts | Busch Gmbh |
Fences & Railings Set | Central Valley |
Paddock Fence | Faller Gmbh |
Iron Garden Fence | Faller Gmbh |
10' High Chain Link Fence (Photo Etched Stainless Steel) |
Micro Structures |
White Fences | Model Power |
Iron Fences | Model Power |
Rural Fences | Noch GMBH & Co. |
2-Slat Pasture Fence | Noch GMBH & Co. |
Chain Link Fence | Plastruct |
Corrugated Iron Fence | Scale Structures |
G.W.R. Station Fencing | Ratio |
G.W.R. Lineside Fencing (36 posts with wire) | Ratio |
Lineside Fencing (4 bar) | Ratio |
L.M.S. Station Fencing | Ratio |
Concrete Fencing | Ratio |
Meadow Fence | Vollmer Gimble |
Cornerstone Series(R) Chain Link Fence | Walthers |
Cornerstone Series(R) Detail Parts 'Wood'' Fence | Walthers |
Barbed Wire Fence - Etched Brass Kit | Yesteryear Creations |
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Eight Minute Empire-Battle Report-#2
On more than few rounds the cards that allowed for movement were not available, while other rounds these cards were available, however, if you wanted to advance your armies you were forced to pay more for these cards.
Six cards are arranged at the top of the board. Each position, in which the card is placed, has an assigned cost; the last few cards having the highest cost. This didn’t seem to impede the game, but did make expanding into other regions a bit more challenging.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Irrational Number Line Games
Spring 2015 Reading List
My spring 2015 reading list is as follows:
Monday, March 9, 2015
Small Projects # 2
Baggage Trolley

Saturday, March 7, 2015
Axis and Allies 1941 House Rules, version 1
Mobilization Zone
2 for 5
3 a piece
Aircraft Carrier
Friday, March 6, 2015
Floquil Weathering Leaflet
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
For Sale 1964 Ford Fairlane Station Wagon & Motor Boat
Monday, March 2, 2015
Bombshell Miniatures Pumpkin Pal and its Attributes

The Pumpkin Mutant is a 20mm miniature from Bombshell Miniatures. It is part of their Side Kick Collection. This miniature was on my January Projects list.
The Pumpkin Pal does not get a move action, but can grab a hold of you with its creeper vines if a player is within one space of the Pumpkin Pal.
The controller of this creature gets to roll a die. If they roll a 3 they have gotten a hold of a victim. They usually get one unawares; the person believes that they have just brushed against something out in the field. Before too long they feel the vine wrapping itself around their arm, ankle, or worse their neck.
When you start to feel the vine constricting around your bodily member it may already be too late to break free, but on roll of a 3 the player was able to tear themselves away from this insidious creature. This creature kills by constricting, asphyxiation or by the pure horror of it all. What do expect when wandering through a haunted pumpkin patch anyway?
I Like Old School Tactical Games
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Projects for March
The beginning of March means we are closer to spring and warmer weather. Although I got some of my older projects out of the way I didn’t get as far as I wanted on my new projects last month, so I have added them to my March list.
- Warhammer Orc Arachnarok Spider – Trees
These castings were a lot more detailed than I first had thought and it will take some time to pick out all these small details. - Bombshell Miniatures Belphegor Winged Monkey(almost finished)
Old Projects
In attempt to clear my workbench of half-finished projects, and for something different, I have added two old HO gauge projects to this month’s project list.
Ratio HO-Gauge Trackside Buildings
507 Grounded Van Body
524 Weighbridge and Hut
Completed Projects
Reaper Miniatures
#03608: Aquatic Familiars II
Sea Monster (Aberration)
Octopus (Aberration)
Warhammer Dreadfleet
Graveyard - Leech Wyrm
Bombshell Miniatures
Pumpkin Buddy
Ristuls Market Halloween Basing Kit (10 resin miniatures)