My Pirates of Mysterious Islands games arrived in the mail the other day. Here are a few the things that I have noticed about this Whizkids, eighth rendition of this construable strategy game.
Although the basic and extended rules are basically the same, there are a few changes to the rules for Pirates of Mysterious Islands (more about that in a separate post).
Pirates of the Spanish Main included six different ships; Pirates of Mysterious Island has ten different styles of ships and two types of Sea Monsters. Pirates of Mysterious Island as added the following types of ships:
- 2-Mast Blockade Runner
- 4-Mast Schooner
- 3-Mast Submarine
- 2-Mast Submarine
The sea monsters cannot carry crew, but they can carry treasure and fire cannon. As far as the submarines are concerned there is a Nautilus submarine model, however is seems to quite rare.
Pirates of the Spanish Main had three protagonists-England, Spain, and Pirates, whereas Pirates of Mysterious Islands has added the following France, America, and Mercenary combatants to the list.
The game pack also contained a check list of game pieces that one might find in Pirates of Mysterious Islands. There are a total of 137 different tokens listed in the check list. Crew, ships, special treasure pieces, and islands, are listed here (More about these tokens in a forthcoming post). All are listed by their availability status, that is, Treasure/Generic, Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Super rare.
One last note, there is also a “message in a bottle”, a special set of four messages, that when collected and sent in with the original packaging and receipts, the people from Whizkids will send you an exclusive ship(these games are no longer being published).
My message reads: “Our course has brought us to these uncharted isles…”
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